Very nice three bed room single family home with finished garden apartment with its own entrance ,Living room ,4th bed room ,full bath and kitchen.Up stairs hard wood floors in all rooms with tile in large kitchen and eating area .Prime bed room feature half bath,plenty of closet space.
View full listing detailsPrice: | $110,000 |
Address: | 363 Crandon Avenue |
City: | Calumet City |
County: | Cook |
State: | Illinois |
Zip Code: | 60409 |
MLS: | MRD10761700 |
Square Feet: | 1,378 |
Bedrooms: | 4 |
Bathrooms: | 3 |
Half Bathrooms: | 1 |
associationfeefrequency: | Not Applicable |
associationfeeincludes: | None |
basement: | English |
bedroomspossible: | 4 |
buyeragentemail: | charlesmartin.broker@gmail.com |
buyeragentfax: | (708) 756-0368 |
buyeragentfirstname: | Charles |
buyeragentfullname: | Charles Martin |
buyeragentlastname: | Martin |
buyeragentmlsid: | MRD229433 |
buyeragentmobilephone: | 708-259-9962 |
buyeragentofficephone: | 708-259-9962 |
buyerofficefax: | (708) 279-7956 |
buyerofficemlsid: | MRD21250 |
buyerofficename: | O.D. Neal Realty Associates |
buyerofficephone: | 708-279-7956 |
cooling: | 3+ (Window/Wall Unit) |
daysonmarket: | 132 |
elementaryschooldistrict: | 1 |
garagespaces: | 2 |
heating: | Steam |
highschooldistrict: | 1 |
internetautomatedvaluationdisplayyn: | no |
listagentemail: | adamst358@yahoo.com |
listagentfax: | (708) 575-1430 |
listagentfirstname: | Thomas |
listagentfullname: | Thomas Adams |
listagentlastname: | Adams |
listagentmlsid: | MRD245968 |
listagentmobilephone: | 312-342-6370 |
listagentofficephone: | 708-960-2157 |
listingOfficeName: | Infiniti Properties, Inc. |
listingcontractdate: | 2020-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 |
listofficemlsid: | MRD26363 |
listofficephone: | 708-206-3000 |
livingareasource: | Assessor |
lotsizedimensions: | 30 X 125 |
middleorjuniorschooldistrict: | 1 |
mlgcanview: | 1 |
mlsareamajor: | Calumet City |
mlsstatus: | Closed |
mrdA10l: | Not Applicable |
mrdA1l: | Walkout Basement |
mrdA1n: | 2nd Kitchen |
mrdA1s: | 6X17 |
mrdA2l: | Walkout Basement |
mrdA2n: | Family Room - Down |
mrdA2s: | 12X20 |
mrdA3l: | Not Applicable |
mrdA4l: | Not Applicable |
mrdA5l: | Not Applicable |
mrdA6l: | Not Applicable |
mrdA7l: | Not Applicable |
mrdA8l: | Not Applicable |
mrdA9l: | Not Applicable |
mrdAge: | 71-80 Years |
mrdAon: | no |
mrdB2f: | Hardwood |
mrdB2l: | Main Level |
mrdB2s: | 10X12 |
mrdB3f: | Hardwood |
mrdB3l: | Main Level |
mrdB3s: | 11X12 |
mrdB4f: | Carpet |
mrdB4l: | Walkout Basement |
mrdB4s: | 11X13 |
mrdB78: | yes |
mrdBas: | Partially Finished |
mrdBb: | yes |
mrdBmd: | 2020-11-03T06:00:00 |
mrdBoardnum: | 10 |
mrdCars: | 2 |
mrdComppaidon: | Net Sale Price |
mrdCrp: | Calumet City |
mrdDisabilityAccess: | no |
mrdDoccount: | 1 |
mrdDocdate: | 2020-06-26T21:22:30 |
mrdDrf: | Ceramic Tile |
mrdDrl: | Main Level |
mrdDrs: | COMBO |
mrdDrv: | Concrete |
mrdExt: | Brick |
mrdFin: | Conventional |
mrdFrl: | Not Applicable |
mrdGar: | Garage Door Opener(s),Transmitter(s) |
mrdGarageOnsite: | yes |
mrdGarageOwnership: | Owned |
mrdGarageType: | Detached |
mrdHem: | yes |
mrdIdx: | Y |
mrdInf: | Commuter Bus,Interstate Access,Flood Zone |
mrdKit: | Eating Area-Breakfast Bar,Eating Area-Table Space |
mrdKtf: | Ceramic Tile |
mrdKtl: | Main Level |
mrdKts: | 11X20 |
mrdLaundryl: | Not Applicable |
mrdLoLocation: | 26363 |
mrdLrf: | Hardwood |
mrdLrl: | Main Level |
mrdLrs: | 13X20 |
mrdLrw: | Curtains/Drapes |
mrdLsz: | Less Than .25 Acre |
mrdManagingbroker: | no |
mrdMbb: | Half |
mrdMbf: | Hardwood |
mrdMbl: | Main Level |
mrdMbs: | 11X12 |
mrdMc: | Off-Market |
mrdPkn: | Garage |
mrdRebuilt: | no |
mrdRecordmoddate: | 2021-01-28T22:57:39.000Z |
mrdRemarksinternet: | yes |
mrdRr: | no |
mrdSaleOrRent: | no |
mrdSas: | N |
mrdSci: | None |
mrdShortSale: | Not Applicable |
mrdSoLocation: | 21250 |
mrdSpecSvcArea: | N |
mrdUd: | 2021-01-28T22:57:39 |
mrdVirtualphotos: | no |
mrdVt: | None |
newconstructionyn: | no |
originalentrytimestamp: | 2020-06-26T21:23:18+00:00 |
originallistprice: | 139900 |
originatingsystemmodificationtimestamp: | 2021-01-28T22:57:39+00:00 |
originatingsystemname: | mred |
ownership: | Fee Simple |
parcelnumber: | 29122100140000 |
possession: | Closing |
previouslistprice: | 125000 |
propertyCurrentlyBeingLeased: | No |
propertyType: | Detached Single |
purchasecontractdate: | 2020-11-03T00:00:00+00:00 |
roomstotal: | 9 |
roomtype: | Kitchen, Family Room |
sewer: | Public Sewer |
speciallistingconditions: | List Broker Must Accompany |
statuschangetimestamp: | 2021-01-28T22:57:39+00:00 |
taxannualamount: | 7548.63 |
taxyear: | 2018 |
township: | Thornton |
waterfrontyn: | no |
watersource: | Public |